Confederate Statue Removal/Erasing History

Thought number one.

History cannot be changed. It happened. A truth cannot be hidden. The truth always surfaces and stands strong.

Removing a confederate statue does not change history. The history is still there whether the statue is there or not. History and/or the truth is not always pretty to look at.

Here are my questions.

If there were no slaves could we have had a confederacy? Last I checked you cannot have a confederacy without having slaves.

If there were no slaves would we have had a Civil War? Last I checked the Civil War was about states rights which included the right to own slaves. And confederate statues were erected. Most if not all of the statues likeness were slave owners in the south.

If there were statues of freed slaves near the confederate statues would that have balanced the history?

For those of you who protest the confederate statues removal, would you have supported placing statues of freed slaves if the confederate statues were allowed to stay?

For those of you who are against statues of black people such as Martin Luther King, Barak Obama, Malcom X, Coretta Scott King, and other important black people. Jesse Jackson does not count because he is a fraud. My question to you is this.

Why is a confederate statue considered valid honorable history and should not be removed while statues of black people who have done great thing should not be erected?

As I said in the beginning history cannot be changed. It doesn’t matter how many confederate statues are removed, nor how many protests are against statues of black people being erected. Not one of us can change what happened in the past.

History is truth and the truth holds history. The truth cannot be changed.

What do you think?